Amazon Ad Server will be sunset in Q4 2024, please visit this page (AAS offboarding information) for offboarding support resources and sunset FAQs. Details shared on that page represent the most up to date information in the Help Center, if you find disparate information in other resources please default to the information in the AAS offboarding information page accordingly.

Please note that on October 1, 2024, the ability to create new campaigns, placements, and tag managers will be disabled.

  • Creative > Ads > [ad_name] > Versions > Ad Versions

  • Creative > Ads > [ad_name] > Versions > Spreadsheet


A Dynamic Creative is an ad that includes dynamic elements. Once you set up a dynamic ad in Amazon Ad Server (AAS), the first version is created and displayed in the Ads list. From there, you can start creating multiple versions of this ad.


Note: Please be sure that any ads created in a different account than the placements they will be running on is assigned prior to configuring any target audiences, retargeting, or media targeting.

There are three methods to manage ad versions in AAS. The method that you use to populate and manage versions of your ad depends on the complexity of your campaign and the number of versions required.

The following table describes the versioning methods.



Method A: Create a new version

Manually create a few versions

Method B: Create versions using the AAS version spreadsheet

Manually create and manage versions in a single view

Method C: Create versions by subscribing to a feed

Subscribe to a feed to mass generate versions

Versioning Methods

Method A: Create a New Version

Edit dynamic element values, and add URLs, rotation, and targeting settings to create a new version of the ad. This is a quick and easy way to create or edit a few versions. You can also access and edit versions that were created with this method using the AAS version spreadsheet.


For more information about each field setting, see Version Settings.

Show or Hide Dynamic Elements

By default, the Versions table does not display the dynamic elements columns. You can customize your view in the Versions table and select the dynamic elements that you want to appear. The elements that you select will be saved in a customized view.


Method B: Create Versions Using Amazon Ad Server Versions Spreadsheet

Use the online spreadsheet to create new versions and edit existing versions. The spreadsheet enables you to manually create and manage multiple versions in a single view.

Each row in the spreadsheet corresponds to a version of your ad. Filling the cells of a new row creates a new version. Dynamic elements in your ad are displayed in the last columns of the spreadsheet. Double-clicking or hovering on a cell enables you to edit the content.


You can also access and edit versions that were created with this method using Method A: Create a New Version. For more information about each field setting, see Version Settings.

Show or Hide Dynamic Elements

Clicking the View Settings button displays the dynamic elements of your ad in the spreadsheet. Each dynamic element is represented by a column.



Note: The Target Audience Naming toggle - When Platform is selected you will be able to select the original AAS Target Audience names in the spreadsheet per version. When External is selected you will be able to select the assigned external Target Audience names in the spreadsheet per version.

Method C: Create Versions by Subscribing to a Feed

Automatically create new versions and edit existing versions by either uploading a file or subscribing to a feed file. This method is recommended for Dynamic Creative ads that include many versions or versions that are updated regularly.

Versions created by the feed should be updated in the same way. Otherwise, the connection will break.

The versions feed supports the following file formats:

  • .xml

  • .json

  • .tsv

  • .csv

Clicking Feed Settings > Download Feed Template enables you to download a template that includes the structure of your ads. You will receive an email that includes a link to the file, which is available for 48 hours.

You can also access and edit versions that were created with this method using Method A: Create a New Version or Method B: Create Versions Using Amazon Ad Server Versions Spreadsheet; however, the rules that you set in your feed settings override any manual changes you perform in AAS. For more information about feed settings, see Version Feed for Dynamic Creatives.

Blurred entered info and URL.

Version Settings

Main Fields

The following fields include the main information about your ad. Both the creative agency and the media agency can edit these fields; however, the person assigned to developing the ad should enter the information for these fields.

Version Name

Use this field to provide a name for each version of your ad. The Name field appears in campaign reports; although it is not mandatory, it may facilitate analysis of the campaign for the media agency and the advertiser.


Tip: Verify whether the advertiser has a naming convention to use for display in the campaign report.

Version ID

Unique identifier of each version. The ID is automatically created by AAS and cannot be edited.


Note: Version ID is a different identifier than Ad ID.

Version Product

An additional naming field that can be used for filtering purposes only, either in the UI or excel. You can use this field to identify the product in a version, for example, car model.


Determines whether the version is active or inactive.

Preferred Version (Is Preferred)

Served in all cases where AAS cannot find any available versions from the selected target audience. For example, when an incorrect setup is used, AAS serves a selected (available) preferred version for the ad, rather than automatically serving the default image of the ad.


Note: This field is only relevant for catalog ads.

Default Image

The default image is used as a fallback serving option. If a version cannot be played, the version's default image will be served to the viewer. The default image should have the same dimensions as the ad and be as lightweight as possible.

Dynamic Elements

The following fields include all of the dynamic elements for your ad. Both the creative agency and the media agency can edit these fields; however, the person assigned to developing the ad should enter the information for these fields.


Note: In the Versions Spreadsheet view, the dynamic element fields are located on the right side of the table.


These fields are specific to your ad. Compatible types include the following:

  • Text element (raw text or inline html)

  • Image element

  • Video element


You can perform the following actions:

  • Search for dynamic elements by name, value, or type.

  • Modify the values of dynamic elements, such as text or images.

  • Preview an image. The URL for an image can link to an external image or to an internal image that is located in the Assets Library.


The following fields are relevant to the type of targeting in use for each version of your ad. Both the creative agency and the media agency can edit these fields; however, the person assigned to trafficking the campaign should enter the information for these fields.

Rotation Type


Note: This setting is in the Ad settings. If the rotation type is set to Weighted, a version-level setting is added, allowing you to control individual weights of versions.

The rotation type, Even Distribution, Weighted, or Automatic Optimization that was selected on the master ad level for the versions. For more information about rotation methods, see Ad serving rotation methods.

Target Audiences

Enables you to add multiple target audiences for each version, thus reducing the total number of versions that need to be created. The relation between each target audience is the OR logic, and the weighted value is for each version and not per target audience. For more information, see Work with target audiences.

Retargeting Tags

Enables you to select multiple retargeting tags and values that you want to assign to each version. You can add multiple retargeting tags and values to any version of your ad.

In the Version Spreadsheet view, clicking Add Retargeting Tag creates a new column with the name of the selected tag.


Note: Please remember that the retargeting tag column is not part of the default spreadsheet view. Each time you access the Version Spreadsheet, you will have to add it to your view for further editing.


For more information about retargeting, see Work with retargeting activities .

Time Based Serving

Enables you to apply time-based settings for each version. By default, if time-based serving is enabled on the ad level, and a date range was not added to a version of the ad, the version will always serve. For more information, see Ad serving rotation methods.

Media Targeting

Enables you to select a specific targeted placement audience for each version. The available targeted placement audiences include all of the targeted placement audiences under your account. For more information, see Media targeting with targeted placements.


The following fields are relevant to the URLs for your ad. Both the creative agency and the media agency can edit these fields; however, the person assigned to trafficking the campaign should enter the information for these fields.

Click-through URL

Enables you to enter a click-through URL for each version.


Note: For a dynamic click-through, the EB.clickthrough() is used. Each version created in the system will each have their own click-through URL for you to setup. This click-through URL will be used when that specific version is served to the user.

3rd Party Click URL

Enables you to add a 3rd-party click tracker for each version. AAS supports multiple 3rd-party click trackers. Use a vertical bar (|) to separate each tracker within the version spreadsheet. If multiple trackers are being added directly within the version, a comma will be used as a delimiter.

3rd Party Impression URL

Enables you to add a 3rd-party impression tracker for each version. AAS supports multiple 3rd-party impression trackers. Use a vertical bar (|) to separate each tracker.


Note: For important notes on implementing VAST DCO 3rd party URLs, please see In-stream VAST dynamic creative ads.

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