Amazon Ad Server will be sunset in Q4 2024, please visit this page (AAS offboarding information) for offboarding support resources and sunset FAQs. Details shared on that page represent the most up to date information in the Help Center, if you find disparate information in other resources please default to the information in the AAS offboarding information page accordingly.

Please note that on October 1, 2024, the ability to create new campaigns, placements and tag managers was disabled.



The EBCMD module expands the EB object, adding methods and events that enable you to interact with the MRAID API even when the ad is being served within an unfriendly iFrame.

Load Module

Before the AdKit declaration in our HTML files, you must include modules and declare them in an array variable called EBModulesToLoad.

The following example loads the EBCMD module for use in an AAS ad.

<script>EBModulesToLoad = ['EBCMD'];</script>


The following methods correspond to their equivalents in the MRAID specification. For more information, see the IAB TechLab article, Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definition (MRAID) Version 3.0.

  • EB.playVideoOnNativePlayer

  • EB.shouldUseNativePlayer

  • EB.setNativePlayerAsDefault

  • EB.createCalendarEvent

  • EB.storePicture

  • EB.isMobileDevice

  • EB.getSDKData

  • EB.setResizeProperties

  • EB.setExpandProperties

  • EB.setOrientationProperties

  • EB.resize

  • EB.close


The EBCMD module adds support for the following events that are specific to mobile In-app environments. For more information about the available events, see Events.




Triggers the event when MRAID or another mobile-device In-app container tells the ad to collapse.


Triggers the event when MRAID or another mobile-device In-app container tells the ad to expand.


Triggers the event when MRAID or another mobile-device In-app container tells the ad that there is a change in the data.


Triggers the event when MRAID or another mobile-device In-app container sends a command to the ad.

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