Amazon Ad Server will be sunset in Q4 2024, please visit this page (AAS offboarding information) for offboarding support resources and sunset FAQs. Details shared on that page represent the most up to date information in the Help Center, if you find disparate information in other resources please default to the information in the AAS offboarding information page accordingly.

Please note that on October 1, 2024, the ability to create new campaigns, placements, and tag managers will be disabled.

  • Creative > Ads > New Ad > Ad Builder


The Video component in Ad Builder enables you to add a video to your HTML ad. By default, the Video component is displayed on load, is muted and includes a control bar. You can modify these settings and define the video to autoplay, after several seconds, on desktops and mobiles devices and make the video a dynamic creative element in the ad.

You can upload multiple formats of your video, ensuring cross-browser compatibility. For example, if you want to improve your video play on Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browsers, choose both MP4 or the WebM formats of your video.

Rules and Guidelines

  • Video Asset Size: In AAS, the Ad Builder Video component supports adding a video asset up to 100 MB.

  • Video Ad Duration: It is recommended that you upload a video with a duration that does not include a fractional part of a second. For example, upload a video that is either 14 or 15 seconds long, and not 14.1 seconds. In such cases, the metric that counts video 100% viewed will not be applied.

Dynamic Creative Videos

A video can serve as a dynamic creative element by setting the video as a dynamic element in the Properties panel. In Ad Builder, you configure the initial default video and then proceed to configure additional versions in AAS.

Configuring the General Video Settings

  1. In Ad Builder, click Components and select Video.

  2. In the Properties pane, configure the relevant settings.



The following table describes the fields that you can modify.




Defines the name of the component instance and the associated layer.

W and H

Defines the dimensions, width and height, of the component instance.

X and Y

Defines the positioning of the component instance on the stage.

Show on Load

Determines whether to show the component instance as soon as the ad displays, or to hide it (for example, to show the instance later in the animation).


Determines the opacity (transparency) of the component instance.

Select/Upload Poster File

Uploads a poster image using any image type to serve as a placeholder. The poster image can be of any image type.

Select/Upload Video File

Uploads the video. It is recommended to use the MP4 or the WebM video formats.

Show Control Bar

Determines whether to show the Control Bar of the video player.


Determines whether the video is muted as soon as the ad displays.

Autoplay After

Sets the video to auto-play immediately when the video starts as described in Configuring Video Autoplay.

Dynamic Element

Allows you to convert the component instance into a dynamic element. For more information, see Introduction to dynamic creative.

Video Actions, Animations, and Events

The video component supports a set of dedicated events and actions. These video actions are also applicable to the video component in In-Stream Interactive ads and the 360 Video Viewer. For more information, see Video Events and Video Actions.

  1. In Ad Builder, access the Actions & Animations panel and click Create New Event.

  2. Click Add Action and select a video action.

  3. Select the target video.

Configuring Video Autoplay (deprecated)

Video autoplay allows advertisers to deliver a richer ad experience by playing a segment of the video automatically when the ad loads. Mobile video autoplay is blocked on a number of iOS and Android devices; however, Ad Builder works around this restriction by allowing creative designers to add video autoplay functionality. Video autoplay runs as a native video on devices supporting this feature. For devices that do not support native, an alternate canvas-based video is produced.

The following rules and guidelines apply to mobile video autoplay:

  • Supported Video Type:MP4.

  • File Size: 50 MB for each file.

  • Duration: Unlimited.

  • Sound: This feature is supported but is disabled by default.

  • Enabling autoplay on existing ads: To add autoplay to an existing ad, remove the video component, and add a new video component with autoplay to the ad.

  • Dynamic Creative: Autoplay on mobile devices uses the version created in Ad Builder. On desktop devices, Dynamic Creative functions as expected.


Video autoplay is disabled and only becomes active when the Autoplay After field is enabled, and a compatible MP4 video file is uploaded.

  1. Create an ad in Ad Builder.

  2. From the Components pane, add the Video component to the canvas.

  3. Click the video Properties pane.

  4. In the Select/Upload Video File area upload a video.


    Note: While the Video component supports up to three video assets, only the first will serve as the autoplay video.

  5. In the Autoplay After field, type the number of milliseconds to set when you want the desktop autoplay to start running. The default is zero, which starts the autoplay immediately.

  6. Select the Autoplay on Mobile check box to enable autoplay to run on mobile.


    Note: When this check box is selected, a series of images (sprite sheets) is created and used to simulate video autoplay on older mobile browsers. An image is created for roughly every second of video time, for example, a 15 second video is converted to 15 images. Note that when served on these older browsers, ads that enable mobile video autoplay generate more file requests than on newer browsers. Instead of fetching and playing a single file (the video), they need to fetch multiple image files.

  7. Preview and test the autoplay on a mobile device and/or browser that does not include native support for autoplay.

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