Amazon Ad Server will be sunset in Q4 2024, please visit this page (AAS offboarding information) for offboarding support resources and sunset FAQs. Details shared on that page represent the most up to date information in the Help Center, if you find disparate information in other resources please default to the information in the AAS offboarding information page accordingly.

Please note that on October 1, 2024, the ability to create new campaigns, placements and tag managers was disabled.

  • Creative > Ads > [ad_name] > Versions > Feed Settings > Subscribe to Feed


Automatically create new versions and edit existing versions by either uploading a file or subscribing to a feed file. This method is recommended for Dynamic Creative ads that include many versions that are updated regularly.

Versions created by the feed should be updated in the same way. Otherwise, the connection will break.


Note: Please assign the ads to their campaign before implementing feed. This will allow retargeting values, target audiences and media targeting to be applied properly.


The versions feed supports the following file formats:

  • .xml

  • .json

  • .tsv

  • .csv


    Note: Please make sure .csv files are properly formatted and escaped. Due to the way .csv files handle double quotes, if they are not escaped properly they can cause data to be omitted when processing the feed.

Clicking Feed Settings > Download Feed Template enables downloading a template for each file format.

For more information about additional versioning methods, see Work with versions of a dynamic creative ad.

Setting up the Feed

Follow these steps to set up a feed:

  1. From the version page click on the Feed Setting option and then select Subscribe to Feed from the appearing drop down menu.

    Blurred entered info and URL.
  2. Fill the fields in the appearing window


    The following table describes the fields for defining feed settings:



    Feed URL

    Location of the feed file and first field to complete. The following options are available:

    • Enter the URL of the feed file if the feed file is hosted an either a FTP server or Content Delivery Network (CDN) .

    • Browse and locate the feed file from the asset library if the feed file was uploaded to the Assets Library.

    Select Load Feed

    Feed Credentials (Optional)

    Enables you to enter your username and password if the feed location requires authentication.

    Unique Identifier

    Marks the unique field per version. The identifier could be, for example, an ID field or text field, and is added as the versions external ID, and used for updating the version in a future feed fetch.

    Fetch Feed Data

    Defines the times and intervals of the feed update. You can select to import the feed just once, or update the feed at hourly or daily intervals.

    When Versions are Missing from Feed

    Determines the action for versions that exist in Amazon Ad Server (AAS) but not in the feed file, for example, versions that were created manually from AAS or from the spreadsheet.

    The following options are available:

    • Do Nothing: The system ignores versions that do not exist in the feed file and does not update them.


      Note: This option will prevent 'exclude' feed rules from working as expected on previously included versions, as 'Do Nothing' will apply to excluded values as well as missing ones.

    • Disable Version in Platform: The system disables any version that exists in AAS but not in the feed file. If a version is removed from the feed and added back at a later time, it will not automatically activate. To accomplish this, use the Status parameter under Data Matching.

    • Delete Versions in Platform: The system deletes any version that exists in AAS but not in the feed file.

    Disable Updated Versions

    Disables any versions that were updated right after the feed fetch. You can use this action when you want to review updated versions before approving them for serving.

    Disable New Versions

    Disables only new versions that were created by the feed, and prevents these new versions from serving until you manually (either from AAS or spreadsheet) change their status back to active.

  3. Once complete, click Apply. If updating mapping and need a Data refresh, click Apply and Fetch. This will initiate a sync to the Data Feed and update version content or create new versions with the latest data available in the feed.

    • You will receive the following alert.

  4. Optionally, enable feed notifications to receive an email when the sync is completed.

Data Matching

Use the Data Matching to match the feed nodes from the feed file to fields in AAS, for example dynamic elements in an ad. For more information about each field, see Work with versions of a dynamic creative ad.

This follows Feed Settings.

Follow these steps match feed notes:


Note: The field Default Image only supports Image Assets from our Asset library. Image URLs are not supported.

  1. From the version page click on the Feed Setting option and then select Subscribe to Feed from the appearing drop down menu.

    Blurred entered info and URL.
  2. Select the Data Matching tab from the resulting window.

  3. Use one of the following methods for matching:

    • Automatic: Click Auto-Match by Name to automatically match all feed nodes that have the same name as AAS fields. For example, if both the feed node and AAS use Status as a field name, the system will automatically match those.

    • Manual: Drag fields from the Unmatched Version Parameters column to the Version Parameter column. Use this method if the field names in the feed differ from the field names in AAS.

      You can begin the matching process using the automatic method. If there are missing fields once you complete the automatic matching, match the additional fields manually.


    Tip: As a best practice, when you work with a feed, first check the field names in AAS, and then name the nodes in the feed based on the AAS names.


    Note: All versions in a feed should contain the same nodes.

  4. Note these rules and guidelines when matching data:

    • If creating versions from a feed and want to use media targeting/target audiences, first check that the ad is attached to a campaign; otherwise, the version will not be created.

    • Depending on the value indicated in the Data Matching tab, target audiences are matched according to the exact name, ID, or external name.

    • Match retargeting activities either manually or automatically. Select the retargeting activity from the Unmatched Version Parameters column, and then either drag the field to the Version Parameter column or click Auto-Match by Name.

    • Each retargeting value that is included in the feed is automatically created in the retargeting activity.

    • Any fields that are not matched will use the version's default values. For example, the default value for Status is Active.

    TIme-Based Hours Settings
    • Date range: Dates should be in MM/DD/YYYY format, with start and end dates separated by a dash, and multiple date ranges separated by commas, for example: 01/10/2018 - 02/10/2018, 03/10/2018 - 04/10/2018.

    • Hours range:

      • Hours should be defined using the 24-hour clock, for example, 11 - 23.

      • If a specific day's node is not matched, AAS will serve each hour during the 24 hour period.

      • If a specific day node is matched, but there are no defined hours in the feed file AAS will not serve for this day.

      The following images show an example of the Data Matching tab in AAS and the feed file with specific days and hours defined for a version.

      In this example, Saturday is not matched, therefore, AAS will serve a version each hour during the 24 hour period.


      Friday is matched, but there are no defined hours in the feed, therefore, on Friday we will not serve this version at any hour.

  5. Once complete, click Apply. If a resync is needed select Apply and Fetch.

Feed Rules

Creating a set of rules can help manage and filter large data feed files. When the feed is fetched, only the versions that match the selected conditions are created. Adding a rule can disable existing versions by selecting Disable version in platform and adding an Exclude rule.

This follows Data Matching and is optional based on requirements.

Follow these steps to set up feed rules:

  1. From the version page click on the Feed Setting option and then select Subscribe to Feed from the appearing drop down menu.

  2. Select the Feed Rules tab from the resulting window.

  3. Apply feed rules by defining a Feed Node, Condition and Value.

    The following table describes the available feed nodes and conditions that you can either include or exclude.

    Feed Node

    Available Conditions

    Dynamic element

    Equals, Does Not Equal, Greater Than, Less Than, Contains


    Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains


    Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains


    Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains


    Equals, Does Not Equal


    Active/True for enabled, Inactive/False for disabled


    Equals, Does Not Equal


    Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains


    Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains


    Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains


    Equals, Does Not Equal


    Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains


    Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains


    Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains


    Equals, Does Not Equal


    Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains


    A product feed has been mapped to the ad. The feed contains a node named Stock, which corresponds to the product stock the advertiser is selling. When the feed is fetched, any version for which Stock equals zero will be disabled, and will not serve.

    Feed Node






  4. Rules can be exclusive or inclusive. Please note when defining rules:

    • Rules can be based on any matched node from the feed file.

    • Multiple rules can be created for each ad. The relationship between two rules is an OR; if versions match any of the set of rules, they will be either included or excluded.

    • Values are case sensitive.



      • When adding a rule, you must enter a value.

      • A rule cannot be applied to empty nodes.

  5. Once complete, click Apply. If a resync is needed select Apply and Fetch.


Choose to receive an e-mail notification message when the feed is updated. The notification will include information such as whether the feed was successfully completed, and details regarding version data.

To enable email notifications:

  1. From the version page click on the Feed Setting option and then select Subscribe to Feed from the appearing drop down menu.

  2. Select the Notifications tab from the resulting window.

  3. Check the Send e-mail message when feed is updated checkbox.

  4. Optionally, additional contacts can be added to the e-mail. To do so:

    Select Add another contact


    Select contacts to receive email

  5. Once complete, click Apply.

Downloading and Exporting the Feed File

Downloading and exporting the feed is a quick and easy way to create new versions of an ad, or use versions of an ad in other ads. Once feed file or template is generated from an existing ad, an email is sent with the file location. The file is available for 48 hours.

Use one of the following options:

  • Download Feed Template: At the master ad level, this option enables you to download the structure of the ad's feed file. This is useful when there is one version of an ad and want to create new versions of the ad and then subscribe to the feed file.

  • Download Feed File: At the version level, this option enables the download of all or selected versions of the ad. This is useful when to use versions of an existing ad in other ads.

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