Amazon Ad Server will be sunset in Q4 2024, please visit this page (AAS offboarding information) for offboarding support resources and sunset FAQs. Details shared on that page represent the most up to date information in the Help Center, if you find disparate information in other resources please default to the information in the AAS offboarding information page accordingly.

Please note that on October 1, 2024, the ability to create new campaigns, placements and tag managers was disabled.



Note: To learn more about this format, or to see build guides for other authoring tools, see About rich media banner.

Installing Amazon Ad Server Google Web Designer components

Creating your ad

Perform the following steps when creating ads:

Set up your project

  1. Create a new blank file.

  2. Make sure that in the Environment list, you select Non-Google Ad.

  3. Perform the following actions:

    1. In the Name box, enter a name for your ad.

    2. In the Dimensions area, enter the width and height of your ad.

    3. Click OK.

  4. Click Components. From the Components pane, drag the AdKit component to the stage.

  5. Select the AdKit component, and then click Properties to configure the AdKit settings.


The following table describes the required options you must configure in the AdKit component properties. Other options do not require configuration.

For this option

Do this

Config file

Click here to download and add the config.js file.


Note: Currently, GWD does not allow Mac users to click Add and select the config.js file. Instead, go to the published folder and add the file manually.

Default image

Select your default image. The default image must be less than 200 KB and match the dimensions of the ad.

Ad format

Select RichBanner. This GWD format is the same as the Amazon Ad Server (AAS) rich media banner.

Video API

Default is true. Enables the native video component to track video interactions. If your project does not include video, or you do not want to track this type of data, select false.

Design your ad

Once your project is set up, you can begin to design your ad. Amazon Ad Server components are available for tracking videos, YouTube videos, or building dynamic creatives.

Add a click-through interaction

A click-through is the most basic interaction in a rich media banner banner. Each project needs to have one main adkit.clickthrough(); interaction.

The rich media banner banner can include more than one interaction. For more information about adding multiple interactions, see Adding rich media capabilities.

Publish your ad

Setting up a rich media banner banner

Once you are satisfied with your ad, proceed to Set up a rich media banner.

Adding rich media capabilities

Tracking interactions

The rich media banner allows you to track multiple interactions. To set up additional tracking, follow the steps under Add a Click-through Interaction. Make sure that you change the name of the function, and include a string in the first argument or the click-through method, for example, adkit.clickthrough(“interaction_1”);. You can add different types of interactions. For more information, see the list of Methods .

Adding automatic event counters

You can use an automatic event counter for interactions that are included in the ad, but do not require user interaction. For example, your ad includes a gallery that automatically changes the images without user interaction. Adding an automatic event counter allows you to track the number of times this event occurs in your campaign.

  1. Place the play-head in the desired frame.

  2. Select the Events layer in the timeline, and then click + to set the event in the timeline.

  3. Double-click the event.

  4. Click Custom > Add custom action.

  5. Enter a name for the function. Type the name in between gwd and = function(event){"). To prevent overwriting of function names, use szmk_ as a prefix, for example, gwd.szmk_clickButton = function(event){ .

  6. In the text area, type the click-through method, EB.automaticEventCounter("myCustomTimerInteraction"); .

  7. Click Ok.

Video component

The AdKit component transforms the native GWD video component to an Amazon Ad Server trackable video player.

  1. Make sure that the AdKit component is in the ad, and in the Properties pane verify that Video API is set to true.

  2. Locate the GWD native video component and drag it to the stage.

  3. Add the source file in the Properties pane, and if required, modify the configuration. For example, autoplay, muted, and controls are common settings that are mandatory for some campaigns.


    Tip: In the GWD Preview, you can view a console log if AdKit located a video element.

YouTube component

  1. Make sure that the AdKit component is in the ad, and in the Properties pane verify that Video API is set to true.

  2. Locate the GWD native YouTube component and drag it to the stage.

  3. In the Properties pane, add the YouTube video ID.

  4. If required, modify the configuration. For example, autoplay, muted, and controls are common settings that are mandatory for some campaigns.

YouTube videos are automatically tracked as an external video asset; therefore, no other actions are required when tracking these types of videos.

Dynamic Creative

For more information, see Add Dynamic Elements to Your HTML Ads Using Google Web Designer.

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