Amazon Ad Server will be sunset in Q4 2024, please visit this page (AAS offboarding information) for offboarding support resources and sunset FAQs. Details shared on that page represent the most up to date information in the Help Center, if you find disparate information in other resources please default to the information in the AAS offboarding information page accordingly.

Please note that on October 1, 2024, the ability to create new campaigns, placements and tag managers was disabled.


If you used a third-party authoring tool, such as a code editor or Adobe Animate, to build your rich media banner, proceed to set up your ad in Amazon Ad Server (AAS).


Note: If you used Ad Builder to build your rich media banner, this set up is not required and you can proceed to sharing your ad. For more information, see Share your ads.


Before uploading your ad to AAS, verify that you have completed these prerequisites:

  • The folder that contains your assets does not include unnecessary files. For example:

    • Unused assets such as images, videos, or fonts.

    • Work files such as .psd, .fla, or .scss.

    • Hidden files such as thumbs.db (Windows) or .DS_Store (Mac).

  • Create a workspace (zip file) for each ad. It is recommended that the zip file name matches the final name of the ad.

  • Each workspace contains its default image (named default or backup). This image should be optimized and lightweight.


Note: Naming the workspace and the default image are especially useful when using the Ad Creation Wizard tool to bulk upload your work; the Ad Name field and the Default field will be filled in automatically. For more information, see Set up multiple ads using Ad Creation Wizard.

Setting up a single ad

Setting up your ad requires that you start by uploading your workspace to the assets library. Then, set up your ad based on the workspace that you uploaded.

Upload your ad

  1. Select Creative > Assets Library.

  2. Click New Folder to create a folder into which you will upload your workspace.

  3. Click Upload.

  4. Perform one of the following actions:

    • Drag your zipped workspace in the new window.

    • Click Browse Files to locate the workspace.

  5. Click Done.

Set up your ad

  1. Select Creative > Ads.

  2. Click New Ad > Blank Ad.

  3. Give your ad a meaningful name.

  4. In the Ad Format list, select HTML5 rich media banner.

  5. In the Creative Assets > Main Assets tab:

    1. Select the workspace folder and navigate to an uploaded workspace.


      Tip: AAS will use this folder as the default for the next step.

    2. Select the default image.

  6. Click Save.

  7. (Optional) The format settings such as, ad name, default banner, banner settings, clickthrough and custom interactions can be modified if needed in the Ad Settings. For more information, please visit Work with custom interactions.

Setting up multiple ads

You can upload and set up multiple ads in a single process using the Ad Creation Wizard. For more information, see Set up multiple ads using Ad Creation Wizard.

Loading modes

You can set your rich media banner to serve in one of these loading modes:

  • Instant: The entire unit loads immediately. This is the default behavior.

  • Polite: A lightweight image loads first. The full ad loads after the publisher's page finishes loading.

For more information about polite loading, see Add polite load to your HTML ads.

Previewing and testing

After you finish creating your ad, make sure that you preview and test it. For more information, see Preview Your Ads and Test your ads.

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