Testing your ads before sharing them with your media agency is the best way to ensure that events included in the ads, such as click, and video play, will fire properly once served, and show in the campaign reports.
The following sections describe the different previews that you can use to test ads.
If you build your ad locally, for example, in a code editor or an animation software, the first type of preview is your local environment.
Once your ads are uploaded to AAS, and ads were generated by following our build guides, you can access the AAS preview.
In the AAS navigation menu, click Creative > Ads.
The Ads page is displayed.
Select an ad or multiple ads.
Click Preview.
The Preview page is displayed.
To preview multiple ads (or multiple versions of dynamic creative ad), click the Ad Switcher icon to navigate from one ad to another.
Click the Events Console tab.
The events from the ad currently in view are displayed. In our example, clicking the Events Console tab, displays the Click event, and video completion rates should fire automatically.
Important: If you notice an event that does not fire as expected, do not share this ad with your media agency yet. Try to fix the issue, and if you require further assistance, reach out to your Amazon Ad Server contact.
For the most advanced formats, it may be necessary to request a test page from your publishers. You will need to provide the publisher with a test tag of your ad (provided by your media agency, or your Amazon Ad Server contact).
Once you have access to the test page containing the test tag, you can verify that everything displays and behaves as expected. For more information, see About publisher certifications.
Once you go in the settings of a specific ad, you will see a Test tag button. This will open in a new tab in your browser and display your ad in a clean, blank page.
In the AAS navigation menu, click Creative > Ads.
Select an ad and edit it by either clicking the Edit button or double clicking on the name of the ad.
Click Test tag.
Your VAST tag can be tested in AAS tag tester.
Note: If you are using the Campaign Name token [%tp_CampaignName%], the token will not be populated during the testing. This behavior is expected.
Once you verify that all events in your ads trigger properly, proceed to share your ads with the media agency. For more information, see Share your ads.